Viva Fresh Expo Launches Hybrid Model Slated For Dallas, Texas; Dante Galeazzi Comments

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Fri. October 2nd, 2020 - by Anne Allen

MISSION, TX - For some, the show must go on. For others, the show must evolve! With the numerous challenges presented across multiple industries in the time of COVID-19, some organizations are battening down the hatches while those like the Texas International Produce Association (TIPA) and it’s Viva Fresh Produce Expo are taking the opportunity to bring value and ingenuity to the stage. With that said, TIPA is announcing that the 2021 Viva Fresh Produce Expo on March 26–27 will proceed as a hybrid event to include both in-person and virtual components that offer solutions for all.

Dante Galeazzi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Texas International Produce Association“We did not take the decision to move forward with a hybrid model lightly,” remarked Dante Galeazzi, President and CEO of TIPA. “We recognize and respect the choices and challenges before our attendees. One thing was clear as we polled our exhibitors and retail/foodservice attendees: there is not only the ability but also a strong preference to move forward with certain in-person experiences. We will put the utmost emphasis on safety as we balance the concern of today’s world by providing content and engagement opportunities in the virtual space as well.”

As scheduled, the face-to-face portion of the show will take place as at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas. The show will also become more exclusive than previous years as the team limits the number of attendees per company as part of the new safety protocol—so, get on board now!

The 2021 Viva Fresh Produce Expo on March 26–27 will proceed as a hybrid event to include both in-person and virtual components that offer solutions for all

I was truly excited to hear that the Viva Fresh hybrid model will provide more in-person elements in addition to the trade show and similar to the traditional Viva Fresh Produce Expo, such as the golf tournament and reception. In addition, it will provide virtual elements that both those attending and those joining from home will be able to participate in. These elements include the Clean Eating Challenge, which kicked off October 1, as well as In Bloom and Aggies-for-Fresh, to name a few.

The Viva Fresh steering committee has done its necessary due diligence and spent extensive time and effort this summer and early fall conducting exhibitor, retail, and foodservice attendee research. What the committee tried to learn and understand were the opinions and company regulations surrounding travel and trade show participation, according to a press release. Uncertainties still abound across policies and positions, but the overall perception from those polled was that while business travel might not be ideal today, there is a strong desire to resume important interactions in quarters one and two of 2021.

As scheduled, the face-to-face portion of Viva Fresh Expo will take place as at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine, Texas

Additional safety protocols already worked into the show plans include:

  • Masks required in all trade show areas
  • Temperature checks prior to entry into expo areas
  • Sanitation intervals during show
  • Contactless payment and registration

TIPA will continue to share more information in the very near future to aid attendees, exhibitors, and sponsors, including lists of events happening online and in-person, sponsorship opportunities, safety features and protocols, exhibitor information, registration, hotel bookings, and more.

Please be on the lookout for future updates from yours truly and the entire AndNowUKnow team!

Viva Fresh Produce Expo