AUSTIN, TX - Voices of our industry continue to join the lineup of the upcoming 2019 CPS Research Symposium. The latest discussion revealed when produce professionals gather in Austin, Texas, is with a host of senior food safety professionals.
“This June will become home to an exciting milestone in our industry with the CPS Symposium. There is no end to the great number of interesting conversations and developments happening right now in the area of food safety, and CPS has cultivated an event to impact the dialogue around both the issues and the potential resolutions,” Doug Grant, Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Oppy, says. “The conversation around the recent romaine outbreaks will be a priority as well as water quality with the new LGMA metrics concerning how surface water irrigation is managed. These topics only touch the surface of what will be revealed and uncovered at the 2019 symposium.”
Panelists will discuss their experience implementing research into their food safety programs, giving attendees the opportunity to learn how they take research to farms and processing facilities. Among them will be:
- Donna Lynn Browne, Director of Food Safety and Social Responsibility, Naturipe Farms LLC
- Suresh DeCosta, Director of Food Safety, Lipman Family Farms
- De Ann Davis, VP of Quality and Food Safety, Church Brothers Farms
- Walter Ram, Vice President of Food Safety, The Giumarra Companies
- Steve Warshawer, Food Safety Coordinator, Winrock
"CPS focuses on scientific research that is directly related to the fresh produce industry and the CPS Research Symposium is where the latest research findings are first released," Walter shares with me about participating. "Some of these findings are pure science that have long term possibilities but other projects result in findings that are practical and immediately useful to the industry. There is no other event quite like it."
As we’ve previously reported, additional participants and backers of the symposium include Dave Corsi of Wegmans Food Markets, Cathy Burns of PMA, Michael Robach, The Robach Group, LLC Mike Taylor, Stop Foodborne Illness, Meridian Institute, and Tim York, Markon Cooperative.
“The CPS Symposium is a great place to find the latest information on food safety in produce,” Donna Lynn concludes.
It all takes place June 18-19. Those looking to take their commitment to ensuring a safe and secure food supply to the next level can register here.