Stemilt Growers' Brianna Shales Talks Organic Cherries, Kyle's Pick, and More

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Tue. July 11th, 2017 - by Jessica Donnel

WENATCHEE, WA - Peak cherry season is here, and with it comes Stemilt Growers Kyle’s Pick Cherries and Artisan Organic Sweet Cherries. I recently got a chance to speak with the company’s always informative Communication Manager, Brianna Shales, about the latest in the Stemilt’s cherry endeavors, including these two highly sought-after pieces of the puzzle.

Brianna Shales, Communications Manager, Stemilt Growers“Cherry season is going very well at Stemilt. We’ve got lots of quality fruit and a lot more to come as we look towards the next two months or so,” Brianna prefaces our conversation. So how can retailers turn that quality fruit from impulse buy, into repeat sales?

Quality and size, Brianna explains.

Kyle's Pick Cherries

“The larger size cherries will result in sweeter fruit—science has proved it, so that’s what we really try to produce at Stemilt,” she continues. “Kyle’s Pick Packs and premium organic cherries are a really good way to drive quality home this time of year. It’s the peak of cherry season, so it’s a good time to capture those sales and hopefully the shopper will come back after they’ve had a great experience and buy again.”

Stemilt Growers Cherries

Want to hear more from Brianna about Stemilt’s current cherry season and the packaging options available to retailers? Check out our full audio interview above.

Stemilt Growers