PRO*ACT's New Hire

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Mon. January 9th, 2012

Kelly Jacob is joining the management team at ProAct, filling the newly created position of Vice President of Retail Sales. Pro*Act’s strategic plan will focus on retail; the major growth opportunity for the company and its distributors.  Pro*Act’s CEO Steve Grinstead states, "Jacob knows the industry and has an impressive record of success in retail sales and business development. We are very proud that she has joined the Pro*Act team, her relationships and experience will be invaluable as we head down the fresh retail side of the aisle.”  The twenty-five year, retail industry veteran was most recently Director of Sales, specifically business development at New Star / Organicgirl, while also managing, existing or creating new retail business at both National and Regional levels in the US. Ms. Jacob has also positions at Fresh Express/Chiquita, M&M Mars, and Fleming Foods.<hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding"><hr class="legacyRuler"><hr class="invisible minimal-padding">