Bay Baby's Michele Youngquist Talks Growing Squash Market Demand

Mon. November 28th, 2016 - by Eva Roethler

BURLINGTON, WA - With wellness top of mind, health-conscious consumers are exploring hearty, nutritious squash options now more than ever. To help retailers tap into the growing demand, Bay Baby joined me to talk about the squash market, and how to convert the upward trend of the category into shopper dollars.

Michele Youngquist, Owner, Bay Baby ProduceMichele Youngquist, Owner, Bay Baby Produce

“Winter squash is continuing to gain popularity, and Delicata and acorn squash are both very popular holiday items,” said Michele Youngquist, Owner of Bay Baby Produce. “And this year, the market is meeting and exceeding expectations.”

According to the company, pricing and volume of squash has remained constant since the crop was harvested in October, and parallels last year's markets. Weather was favorable this year, though there were some slightly cloudy days which ultimately did not impact the market. Yield and quality have both been excellent, thanks to the region’s fertile growing conditions.

Michele Youngquist in the field with a Bay Baby squashMichele Youngquist in the field with a Bay Baby squash

So how can retailers harness the demand in the category?

“Work closely with your supplier! Using POS displays, labels, and eye-catching packaging draws in the consumer,” says Michele. “Providing recipes has been an important part of educating the consumer how to eat squash.”

Alongside Bay Baby’s merchandising solutions, buyers looking to share inspiration with customers can start with the Bay Baby website which hosts recipes, such as the acorn stuffed delight, tapping into harvest fall flavors. Bay Baby’s social media platforms, such as Pinterest, also host a wealth of squash-based delight!​​

Bay Baby Produce