California Giant Berry Farms Academy Empowers Top Chefs to Champion Blueberries; Tom Smith and Sam Blackburn Comment

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Wed. July 24th, 2024 - by Chandler James

WATSONVILLE, CA - Blueberries were the star of the show during California Giant Berry Farms’ inaugural California Giant Chef Invitational Academy. The unique program was designed to empower and inspire the grower’s past Chef Invitational winners while elevating blueberries on menus.

Thomas Smith, Director of Sales, California Giant Berry Farms
Thomas Smith, Director of Sales, California Giant Berry Farms

"We designed the Chef Invitational Academy to be more than just a culinary skills workshop," says Tom Smith, Director of Sales at California Giant. "We recognize the importance of chefs not only creating exceptional dishes but also effectively sharing their passion with the world. Equipping them with the tools for personal branding and food photography empowers them to become true champions of their work, and blueberries, inspiring their audiences to explore the endless possibilities our fruit offers."

Held in the greater Portland, Oregon area, the immersive four-day event transcended the traditional invitational setting. Luis Reyes (Sysco, 2018 winner), Travis Peters (The Parish, 2019 winner), Sam Blackburn (Sodexo, 2020 winner), Derek Seigfried (Gordon Food Service, 2022 winner), and Steven Halliday (Gordon Food Service, 2023 winner) all gained invaluable firsthand experience.

The California Giant Chef Invitational Academy was designed to empower and inspire the grower’s past Chef Invitational winners while elevating blueberries on menus

Under Chef Rosalyn Darling's insightful guidance, the Top Chefs embarked on a multi-faceted culinary expertise workshop.

According to a press release, this engaging experience not only sparked fresh inspiration and elevated their culinary skills with berries, but also empowered them to become true blueberry advocates.

During the program, the Top Chefs embarked on a multi-faceted culinary expertise workshop, including exclusive tours of California Giant Berry Farms' blueberry operations

Exclusive tours of California Giant's blueberry operations also provided the Chefs with a comprehensive understanding of the journey berries take from field to table.

Sam Blackburn, Senior Technical Culinary Support Manager, Sodexo
Sam Blackburn, Senior Technical Culinary Support Manager, Sodexo

“The tours of California Giant's blueberry operations transformed my perspective. Witnessing the dedication and innovation across all farm sizes, from small family-run operations to large-scale producers, provided an invaluable understanding of the tremendous effort that goes into every berry,” said Blackburn, Senior Technical Culinary Support Manager with Sodexo’s Operational Excellence Team. “This appreciation will influence my approach to incorporating California Giant berries into my dishes, allowing me to showcase their high-quality products and the effort that goes into bringing them from field to table.”

The Academy serves as an extension of the California Giant Chef Invitational, fostering valuable partnerships with past winners and driving increased use of blueberries in menus across the country.

For more from this impactful program, keep reading ANUK.