Christopher Ranch Supplying New Levi Stadium With Garlic For Fans

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Thu. August 14th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

GILROY, CA – 49er fans are gearing up for the start of football season and Christopher Ranch is ready to welcome them though a partnership with the new Levi's stadium which will make garlic fries made from Christopher Ranch Garlic a fixture on gameday.

“As a lifelong 49er’s fan and seasoned ticket holder, I am thrilled they have chosen Christopher Ranch garlic in various food items at the new stadium,” said Bill Christopher, Christopher Ranch's Owner and Managing Partner. “Using our fresh garlic on the new garlic fries is something I can’t wait to enjoy.”

Christopher Ranch Supplying New Levi Stadium With Garlic For Fans

According to a press release, Christopher Ranch will be supplying Levi Stadium' foodservice partner, Centerplate, with two kinds of high quality garlic: freshly peeled cloves and roasted garlic cloves. Centerplate's Gary J. Prell even toured the Ranch in order to shoot a promotional video for the partnership in which he talks about Levi Stadium's commitment to sourcing its products from local growers like Christopher Ranch.

I know I'll be certainly checking out those garlic fries come kickoff. After all, what could possibly be better than football and fresh, hot garlic fries?  

Christopher Ranch