OXNARD, CA - The time for the Southeast Produce Council’s Southern Innovations Organics and Foodservice Expo is just about here. Attendees and exhibitors from across the industry are counting down the days till the event as they build their target list of the top companies bringing the latest and greatest from across fruit and veg categories. Mission Produce is ramping up its program and messaging just in time and sharing a little pre-show love as it taps into the growing avocado craze.
“This year at Southern Innovations, we will be having blind taste-testing and talking about our latest innovation in this space, Size Interchangeability,” Denise Junqueiro, Director of Marketing shares with me. “It is a lot of fun to test people’s understanding of what really makes up the flavor of avocados. There is an understanding among most folks that flavor has to do with origin. The fact is the reality of the situation is the flavor is really influenced by the seasonality and oil content, not origin. We hope people stop by and participate in the tasting and test their avocado understanding.”
While attendees take in the avocado taste bud teasers, Mission will also be talking about Size Interchangeability—an innovation that will bring a huge benefit to foodservice operators and chefs. Size interchangeability is a measurement resource to help on flexibility when it comes to size usage, Denise notes. The resource will show you how to manage the amount of pulp you need on any size avocado, from jumbo to mini.
“Size Interchangeability helps maximize the plate because an operator won’t be limited on avocados due to the size curve,” Denise tells me. “Many times the size curve—which is the curve of what the tree is producing when it comes to size—can vary. This can be challenging in the foodservice space due to internal specs for a dish or item. Size Interchangeability gives you the tools to adjust and keep those avocados on plates everywhere. This also helps those diners never lose out on their fan favorite.”
Mission Produce is always inspired to find solutions, and an issue that kept rising to the scene for the industry was the challenges foodservice experienced when supplies on sizes were affected due to the trees production.
“No matter what the tree is producing and what your spec is, you are still able to have avocados in any dish. We show just how easy it is to adjust sizes and still get the same amount of pulp whether you are slicing, dicing, mashing, or pureeing,” Denise adds. “There is always good demand and we see it increasing in the foodservice space as more and more restaurants are adding avocados to center plate dishes and not using them for just Hispanic-themed dishes. Supplies are strong currently and ready to be on every chef's latest creation.”
Stop by Mission Produce booth #506 to check out more of the program, and always avoca-DO when it comes to this green machine of a category—and to the attendees, have a great show!