SACRAMENTO, CA - Help us continue to make history across the fresh produce industry by diving into our July issue of The Snack Magazine, and you could be rewarded with $100 cash. All you have to do is track down the famous ANUK apple logo expertly concealed on the cover for your chance to be one of the buy- or supply-side winners.
Within the pages of our July issue, you’ll find exclusive insights from some of our industry’s leaders, and their words will guide you through the history and legacies that live on in fresh produce. So, kick up your feet, grab your copy—digital or print—and get to flipping, but not until you’ve tracked down the notorious apple logo.
Haven’t received your hard copy yet? No worries! You can find the hidden apple logo by viewing our digital cover here. Once you find it, be sure to take a smiling photo of yourself with your finger pointing at the logo.
The criteria for winning is as follows:
- Your FOUND the Apple Logo photo must include your face
- And your finger must be pointing to the AndNowUKnow apple logo
Once you’ve discovered it, send your selfie over to us at [email protected] to join the running for the $100 cash prize! If your photo lands in our inbox ahead of everyone else’s, you could join the winners’ circle, along with some other quick produce pros, including:
- Wylie Bird (reigning supply-side champion)
- Betty Tomao of The Save Mart Companies (reigning buy-side champion)
- Dustin Meloche of Nature Fresh Farms
- Danny Ortiz of Sysco
- Doug Groendyke Harvest Hope Food Bank’s
- Claudia Pizarro-Villalobos of D’Arrigo California
- Osmerlin Garcia of Nature Fresh Farms
- Monina Knox of Sprouts Farmers Market
Be sure to get ready for the competition next round, and click here to subscribe to The Snack (valued at $129 per year).
Dreaming of fun ways to spend your $100 already? Get searching, and your dreams could become a reality.