DONNA, TX - Weathering the storm is par for the course in our industry, as the fearless companies that make up our produce world shoulder the burden of inclement weather all while coming out stronger than ever. One such company is none other than Grow Farms, Texas, which is coming out of the end Mexico’s growing season with its eyes on the next crop prize.
Tommy Wilkins, Director of Sales and Business Development, explained how Mexico’s winter growing season was admittedly a difficult one to navigate. As both the tomato and squash markets faced challenges, Tommy looked to the positives.
“On the other side of the coin, we have had a wonderful yellow mango start in production and we are off to a positive start. Round mango production will start in April,” Tommy remarked. “We are looking forward to our central Mexico crops beginning the first week of June, and hopefully we’ll see a steady ride. Mangos will be a huge focus throughout the summer.”
In mid-April, Grow Farms will also begin its Texas-grown Italian sweet red onion program, which will run through Memorial Day.
Additionally, its Texas cabbage has seen superb quality, meaning that those St. Patrick’s Day promotions are primed and ready.
As we look to the future alongside companies like Grow Farms, Texas, keep reading AndNowUKnow for the latest in crop and market updates.