Hollandia Produce LP Launches Living Butter Lettuce Recipe Contest

Mon. April 13th, 2015 - by Christofer Oberst

CARPINTERIA, CA - Hollandia Produce, L.P. is launching a contest to show retailers and consumer alike the versatility of living butter lettuce.

The company’s A Better Butter Lettuce! Recipe Contest launched yesterday, giving anyone who submits an at-home recipe of their own living butter lettuce dishes an opportunity to win a $1,000 Williams-Sonoma gift card grand prize, according to a press release.

To help push the contest, a national retail campaign intended to showcase living butter lettuce as a staple ingredient, Hollandia Produce, L.P. has started to ship its Live Gourmet® Living Butter Lettuce in clamshell containers with one of six rotating recipes on the cover.  

The contest has three categories that participants can enter:

  • Salads/Sides
  • Appetizers
  • Main Course

There is a first, second, and third place for each category, with an eligible prize of a $150, $75 and $50 gift card, respectively. It is open to all who are elligible, and will continue through July 31, 2015.

Live Gourmet® Living Butter Lettuce Contest

Hollandia Produce, L.P.