International Fresh Produce Association Opens Application for Leadership Path Programs; Doug Bohr and Kathleen Quandee Comment

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Fri. May 17th, 2024 - by Peggy Packer

WASHINGTON, DC - The strength of our leadership is often a direct reflection of the strength of our company. Continuing its efforts to support our industry’s leaders, the International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) has opened applications for the first four of nearly a dozen programs as part of The Produce & Floral Leadership Path.

Doug Bohr, Chief Education and Programs Officer, International Fresh Produce Association
Doug Bohr, Chief Education and Programs Officer, International Fresh Produce Association

“The industry relies on IFPA’s Produce & Floral Leadership Path as a one-stop shop that builds skills and networks to expand employees’ contributions,” said Doug Bohr, IFPA Chief Education and Programs Officer. “IFPA is committed to empowering people who can lead from wherever they are, in their current roles and the roles they aspire to.”

According to a press release, the benefits of these progressive leadership development programs include:

  • Advances organizations by developing strong leaders
  • Enhances employee contributions
  • Showcases a company’s commitment to its employees and their career paths
  • Rewards star performers with additional opportunities to grow
  • Builds staff loyalty by investing in them
  • Enriching a culture of ongoing learning that drives business success
The International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA) has opened applications for the first four of nearly a dozen programs as part of The Produce & Floral Leadership Path

Applications for the four programs opened on May 13. The programs combine online and in-person options to suit company needs, the release noted.

Kathleen Quandee, Vice President of Human Resources, Pacific Coast Fresh Company
Kathleen Quandee, Vice President of Human Resources, Pacific Coast Fresh Company

"Pacific Coast Fresh Company has benefited greatly from our participation in IFPA Events and Leadership programs, and we look to IFPA to provide industry-specific professional development to employees at all career levels,” said Kathleen Quandee, Vice President of Human Resources, Pacific Coast Fresh Company. “Over the past few years, we have had employees attend the Women's Fresh Perspectives Conference, the Washington Conference, and the Emerging Leaders and Executive Leadership Development Programs. All participants have returned to our company with new insights and an expanded industry network to call upon now and into the future."

Applications for the remaining programs will open later this year, while some are currently available on-demand online. To read more about the program and upcoming leadership development opportunities, click here.

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