Mann Packing Debuts New User Friendly Website Redesign

Tue. November 4th, 2014 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

SALINAS, CA – Mann Packing has redesigned its website to create a user-friendly browsing experience for consumers.

Gina Nucci, Director of Healthy Culinary Innovation“Our website is an important tool for communicating with consumers and customers,” said Gina Nucci, Director of Healthy Culinary Innovation.  “We wanted to create a site that was more user friendly with fresh graphics that showcased our entire product line and delivered value to our foodservice customers.”

The website features new recipes, product information and new content for foodservice customers like product sheets with live links and live weather updates from the company’s four growing regions.

“We know that online searches for recipes can be one of the biggest drivers to a website.  Our hope is that chefs and home chefs will go to the site, and bookmark it as a reference and a resource for all their convenient fresh vegetable needs,” said Nucci. “The goal is to get people to visit the site and keep coming back to see new and fresh updates.”

According to a press release, Mann is including the URL on product packages and across its social media tools including Twitter and Facebook.

Mann Packing