Monterey Mushrooms to Highlight Let's Blend at SEPC Southern Exposure 2019

Tue. February 19th, 2019 - by Anne Allen

WATSONVILLE, CA - Going to the Southeast Produce Council’s 2019 Southern Exposure will mark my first time in Florida, and boy, am I excited. But, I’m not the only one gearing up for the big event: Monterey Mushrooms is preparing to showcase its product line called Let's Blend—finely diced mushrooms ready to blend with ground meat—at the event.

Lindsey Roberts, Marketing Manager, Monterey Mushrooms“People want to eat better without giving up flavor and texture,” Lindsey Roberts, Marketing Manager, said in a press release. “Let’s Blend works well with ground beef, chicken, lamb, pork, or turkey. It makes meat juicier without adding fat or cholesterol.”

Roberts noted that the product is an easy way for home cooks to achieve the same blended concept being served in restaurants. Let’s Blend is available in an 8 oz package for retail customers in three pre-seasoned flavors: Classic, Mexican, and Italian. Let’s Blend is also offered in 8 oz and 40 oz packages for foodservice customers, in both unseasoned or pre-seasoned flavors.

Monterey Mushrooms will be showcasing its product line called Let's Blend at this year's Southern Exposure

The retail Let’s Blend recyclable packaging has an extended shelf life, cooking instructions on the pack, a visible use-by date, and a cut out window to see the product.

Let’s Blend will be sampled at booth #717 at Southern Exposure. The company will serve Let's Blend Queso featuring the Mexican-flavored Let’s Blend mushrooms. It will also serve samples of its fresh line, including clean-n-ready, vitamin D, certified-organic, whole and sliced mushrooms.

See you folks in Orlando!

Monterey Mushrooms