LOS ANGELES, CA - The days are longer, the nights are hotter, and the time has come for melons. I’m not against eating melons any chance I can get, but for those in the know, there’s nothing like a watermelon to really amp up that summer feeling. I spoke with Josh Leichter, General Manager of Pacific Trellis Fruit/Dulcinea Farms, to find out what melon-y goodness is in store for the season.
“We are wrapping up the season in Yuma, Arizona, where we are harvesting PureHeart® mini watermelons and Tuscan-Style® Cantaloupe, in addition to our Sugar Daddy® full-size seedless watermelon,” he told me. “We will then move our harvest to the San Joaquin Valley in early July where we will continue the harvest on these core items as well as resume production of the Sunny Gold yellow mini watermelon and our organic offerings on PureHeart minis and Tuscan Style Cantaloupes.”
With excellent growing conditions equaling excellent quality, Josh explained to me that the market has been steady and the volume has remained similar to last year.
Keeping this quality and quantity in mind, Josh also clued me in on how retailers can take advantage.
“Advertise them and build big displays,” he said. “We also encourage retailers to demo them whenever possible, as the eating quality on our fruit is really outstanding, especially on the Tuscan Style Cantaloupe. Once you try them, it is hard not to buy them again and again.”
Besides, melons essentially market themselves: Who doesn’t want a sweet and refreshing treat during a hot day?
For the latest in fruit updates like this, keep reading AndNowUKnow.