LOS ANGELES, CA - As marketing continues to become a central part of selling fresh produce, growers are working hard to innovate their packaging formats to best reach their consumers. Because innovation is often top of mind for Pacific Trellis, the grower of the premium Dulcinea® brand, the company recently rolled out new packaging for its citrus line, including oranges and mandarins.
“Even though our citrus importing endeavor is relatively young compared to other companies, we will be importing premium, high-quality mandarins and fresh oranges at higher volumes this season,” said Josh Leichter, General Manager. “This has allowed us to sell our citrus program under our premium Dulcinea brand, which is generally reserved for only our highest standard fruit.”
The new high-graphic, front-of-package design will be applied to Dulcinea’s 2-lb and 3-lb mesh bags and will use separate and distinct bold colors to help differentiate between the oranges and mandarins. According to a press release, the new packaging will also feature prominent consumer language around the features of the citrus inside that are synonymous with the Dulcinea brand.
Expected to debut with the first arrival of Dulcinea premium mandarins around the middle of May, the packaging will be fully rolled out with the addition of Dulcinea fresh oranges, arriving by the middle of June. Both Dulcinea-branded citrus items will be available to consumers through the end of October.
What will be Pacific Trellis’ next packaging innovation? Keep following along with us at AndNowUKnow as we wait to find out.