Stemilt Artisan Organics® Cherries Boost Sales; Brianna Shales Comments

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Fri. June 14th, 2024 - by Anne Allen

WENATCHEE, WA - What better way to celebrate summer than with a mountainous display of cherries? I certainly can’t think of one, and neither can Stemilt! The grower talks how organic cherries are making a comeback with the 2024 crop and how retailers can use Stemilt Artisan Organics® dark-sweet cherries to promote, merchandise, and build sales.

Brianna Shales, Marketing Director, Stemilt

“Organic dark-sweet cherries are up in volume compared to last year,” commented Brianna Shales, Marketing Director. “Cherry harvest is underway in Washington State, and we’ll see the volume of organic cherries increase into late June for promotional pulls. The perfect time for running promotions will be late June and early July when Washington has peak supply.”

Shales explained that organic cherries can be exclusive some seasons because of volume and availability fluctuations, but this year will be a different story as volume and timing align in a succinct promotional window.

“Organic cherries can be used to appeal to organic shoppers and as a sales builder for the category,” added Shales. “Creating shelf space for organic cherries and finding ways to merchandise them within your main cherry displays is a must. Packaging like 1 lb and 2 lb top seals, clamshells, or bags are great vehicles to call attention to the fact that the cherries are organic and encourage consumers to treat themselves with seasonal produce.”

Stemilt Artisan Organics® dark-sweet cherries are available for retailers to promote, merchandise, and drive sales

According to a press release, the majority of Stemilt’s organic cherries are the Skeena variety which presents premium quality for size, firmness, and flavor.

“Organic cherries can be hard to grow, but Stemilt has growing locations and dedicated growers suited just right for growing them,” concluded Shales. “It’s not every year we get to promote organic dark-sweet cherries, so we’re especially excited to share opportunities with retailers and help them find success this season with Stemilt Artisan Organics.”

AndNowUKnow will be on the lookout for the latest cherry updates like this.