Thu. July 11th, 2024 - by Chandler James

MICHIGAN - With the Michigan asparagus season concluded a week earlier than usual, the Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board (MAAB) has several marketing strategies to share with the buying community.

Jamie Clover Adams, Executive Director, Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board

“When it comes to superior quality and premium flavor, Michigan asparagus has it all,” commented Jamie Clover Adams, Executive Director. “By enacting new and eye-catching strategies and highlighting the vibrant yet nutritious nature of our favorite vegetable, we created a great teaser that ultimately translated into higher foot traffic and an increase in sales during key purchasing periods.”

As more barbecues and summer gatherings are around the corner, shoppers seek out seasonal produce to fill out menus. According to a press release from the organization, healthy eating continues to drive social media impressions.

With the conclusion of asparagus season a week earlier than usual, the Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board enacts key strategies to drive sales

With this in mind, it’s the perfect time to showcase the nutritional value of asparagus. Working alongside content creators, MAAB took followers through the fields to connect more people with the families responsible for growing the asparagus they eat.

MAAB also worked with retailers across the Midwest, investing in digital campaigns, point of sale (POS), and in-store demos to drive the locally grown/locally sourced messaging home.

The MAAB looks forward to next season and is preparing for new opportunities to get Michigan Asparagus on consumer’s plates!

Keep reading us here at ANUK for all things fresh produce.

Thu. July 11th, 2024 - by Melissa De Leon Chavez

MILWAUKIE, OR - A major shift may soon be felt in the pear world, with a long-held torch being taken up by a new leader. CarrieAnn Arias has been announced as the new President and Chief Executive Officer for the Pear Bureau Northwest (PBNW), following the departure of Kevin Moffitt, who held the role since 2001.

CarrieAnn Arias, President and Chief Executive Officer, Pear Bureau Northwest

“I am thrilled to join the Pear Bureau and lead this incredible team,” CarrieAnn commented on the move. “Together, we will continue to build on the Bureau’s strong foundation and drive our mission of promoting pears in the U.S. and around the world. I am committed to fostering a culture of innovation, collaboration, and excellence as we work to achieve our strategic goals.”

Effective July 1, CarrieAnn has taken up the role and responsibility with a varied portfolio of both category and leadership experience. Previously, she served as Founder and Chief Executive Officer of TableSpark, according to a press release, and has also held the role of Vice President of Marketing for Naturipe Farms as well as Vice President of Marketing at Dole Food Company.

CarrieAnn Arias has been announced as the new President and Chief Executive Officer for the Pear Bureau Northwest

Along the way, CarrieAnn led teams, drove market growth, and cultivated strong relationships within the industry.

Jordan Matson, Chairman, Pear Bureau Northwest

“I am very pleased to have CarrieAnn on board with her decades of produce marketing experience. I believe she is going to do a great job of furthering the mission to increase fresh pear consumption among consumers worldwide and continue to increase grower returns,” Jordan Matson, PBNW Chairman, shared.

CarrieAnn shared her own gratitude in thanking the Board of Directors for their faith in her taking on this important responsibility, leading a non-profit marketing organization which has grown to represent over 700 grower families and partners since it was established in 1931.

Congratulations to both CarrieAnn and the PBNW team on this new chapter!

Wed. July 10th, 2024 - by Jordan Okumura-Wright

MONTEREY, CA - The Organic Produce Summit is more than just an event; it's a culture. July has become synonymous with the summit in so many ways, providing an amazing opportunity for companies building organic platforms to meet with innovative minds and decision-makers across the segment.

Keigan Roos, Event Manager, Organic Produce Summit and Organic Grower Summit, New Hope Network, Informa Markets

“With over 1,800 attendees—including nearly 200 exhibiting companies and over 300 retailers and buyers—the 2024 Organic Produce Summit not only marks our largest event ever, but also paves the way for continued growth in the years ahead," shares Keigan Roos, Event Manager, Organic Produce Summit and Organic Grower Summit, New Hope Network, Informa Markets.

Over the course of the two-day event, attendees had a stacked calendar. On Wednesday, summit guests participated in a range of activities, from volunteering to help Brighter Bites pack 1,000 bags of fresh produce for families to take home in Monterey County to retailer and buyer field tours with Earthbound Farms, Driscoll’s, and Braga Fresh.

For two days, the Organic Produce Summit in Monterey, California, was home to buyers and suppliers alike, driving the organic conversation

In addition to those valuable afternoon activities, Wednesday evening kicked off with the Organic Roots Pre-Reception for organic newcomers, followed by the always spectacular OPS Opening Reception.

Chris Miller, Produce Director, MOM's Organic Market

“The Organic Produce Summit has always been and continues to be a space where old friends are seen, and new friends are made. There is a very unique and casual nature that encourages genuine connections, while also providing amazing content and a perfectly-sized trade show environment,” Chris Miller, Produce Director, MOM's Organic Market, tells me.

Thursday launched us into a morning of educational sessions covering topics from retail label messaging to sustainable packaging, snacking, and more. Along with the plentiful insights across supply-chain and buy-side challenges came a host of plentiful reviews as well.

Caitlin Tierney, Director of Sales - West, Fresh Express

“OPS is one of my favorite shows to attend each year as it truly gets down to the roots of organics and long-term agricultural sustainability for our industry's future. Finding solutions to continue to grow organic sales is just the start of what this show encompasses,” Caitlin Tierney, Director of Sales - West, Fresh Express. “OPS focuses on so much more, like how to educate consumers on organics in-store by using effective buzzworthy messaging, further reducing plastics for the department, finding ways to increase organic sales via e-commerce, and finally meeting all the growers and customers that can help support all these solutions for our industry. Like every year, I was excited for what I learned at OPS this week.”

During the "Biting Into Organic Fresh Snacking Opportunities" panel, members dug into the direction for the category. Faith Garrard, panel moderator and Raley’s Executive Director of Fresh, shared some thoughts on the potential for the segment.

Faith Garrard, Executive Director of Fresh, Raley’s

“There’s an opportunity gap for us to capture more than we're getting today. What's interesting, though, is that what is driving some of that growth in snacking, in general, are things like convenience and the health and wellness trend…I think organic, fresh snacking has an opportunity to innovate and capture market share. We're talking about $135 billion now,” Faith informed the crowd.

Even more amazing reflections came down the line from panels discussing what strategies are boosting sales for organic fruit and the session for “How Regional Retailers are Growing Organic Fresh Produce Sales.”

Pictured above are those who participated in the How Regional Retailers are Growing Organic Fresh Produce Sales panel. From L to R: Jilea Hemmings, Owner and Founder, Nourish + Bloom Market; Jim Sullivan, Vice President of Produce, Yokes; Jeff Cady, Vice President of Produce and Floral, Northeast Shared Services; and Scot Olson, President of Northwest Division of FreshSource

Moderated by Scot Olson, President of the Northwest Division of FreshSource, retail panelists Jeff Cady, Vice President of Produce and Floral, Northeast Shared Services; Jilea Hemmings, Owner and Founder, Nourish + Bloom Market; and Jim Sullivan, Vice President of Produce, Yokes discussed how regional players compete in different geographic areas in comparison to bigger retailers.

Among the many shared anecdotes and philosophies, were Jeff’s thoughts on organic integration with conventional produce and overall growth.

Jeff Cady, Vice President of Produce and Floral, Northeast Shared Services

“I think shoppers, they only have so much time…I just want to put it [organics] as close as possible so people can make good decisions. A lot of people think, ‘Organic, oh my gosh, it's way too expensive. I can't afford it.’ Well, now you're putting the price points next to each other, and they say, well, that's pretty palatable. They can make their own decisions whether or not they want organics,” Jeff shared with the session’s guests.

After Nicholas Bertram, President and CEO of Flash Foods shared his keynote, the Retail Fireside Chat brought moderator Kevin Coupe of the Morning News Beat, and featured pwasanelists Robby Cruz, Vice President of Produce, Target; and Patrick Haines, Vice President of Produce at United Natural Foods, Inc. (UNFI) together to discuss the critical issues of the day.

Another critical element of the event was the retailer and buyer field tours with Earthbound Farms, Driscoll’s, and Braga Fresh. (Photo credit: Organic Produce Summit)

The panelists discussed how the gap in price had been closing more and more between organic and conventional, and that this needed to be better communicated to consumers. The topic also arose on decision-making in terms of carrying both organic and conventional versions of a single product or how the retailer can better steer the shopper into an easier basket-building process. Supply-chain solutions and the desire for more innovation across growing practices, as well as transparency, were also hot topics.

Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, LIV Produce

"The Organic Produce Summit continues to create high-value opportunities for us to connect with our customers and build new relationships. Between the buyer turnout and the relevant conversations occurring across the two-day event, we continue to see a return on our investment at OPS," shared Anthony Innocenti, Managing Partner, LIV Produce.

If you can believe it, this eventful schedule all unfolded before the tradeshow doors even opened—packed with organic solutions, new products, essential conversations, and more.

Dan Canales, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Ippolito International

“The OPS show brings an incredible lineup of customers to our area,” Dan Canales, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Ippolito International, expressed. “We look forward to this show every year, and it has become a great opportunity to not only interact with them at the reception, trade floor, and multiple events, but it is also great for us to be able to conduct tours and visits throughout the week while they are in our backyard. The OPS show is a staple event in our annual show lineup.”

There is a lot to be said about the impact of the annual OPS event and its ever-evolving influence on the present and future of organics. But of these few things I am sure: organic leadership is strengthening, collaboration is growing, and the path ahead is full of opportunities.

Wed. July 10th, 2024 - by Peggy Packer

CALIFORNIA - Following the 2024 Food as Medicine Summit, the team at AndNowUKnow embarked on a multi-part exploration of the organizations fueling momentum for healthy eating and helping shoppers understand the role nutrition can play in their overall health and well-being. One key player in this equation is SunTerra Produce and the Project Food Box program, which has helped get more fresh produce into the hands of consumers with a focus on mitigating chronic illnesses and health challenges.

Peter Wells, Project Director, Project Food Box

“There’s such a prevalence of diet-related chronic conditions, which is a huge driver of the increasing healthcare costs that we’re seeing today,” explains Peter Wells, Project Director for Project Food Box. “I think collectively decision-makers in healthcare and public policy have had to really consider solutions like healthy eating as a way to reduce the prevalence of chronic disease for the population, which has led to programs like these starting to gain traction.”

SunTerra and Project Food Box source, package, and distribute boxes of fresh produce directly from farmers to communities in need with the help of food banks, faith-based organizations, and health networks. The impactful program was born out of SunTerra’s participation in the USDA’s “Farmers to Families” program, which launched in 2020 to offset food insecurity caused by the pandemic. Since then, the project has evolved through partnerships with food banks up and down the West Coast that wanted access to more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Steve Brazeel, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, SunTerra Produce

“Our program works with growers to find the 30 percent of produce left behind in the fields every day because it's the wrong size or has physical blemishes that don’t make it appropriate for some retail markets,” Steve Brazeel, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of SunTerra, shares. “Our work with the food banks has expanded to providing medically tailored meals through insurance plans throughout California. Our goal is to not only work extensively throughout the state but to partner with other states that have similar programs to this local-to-local solution, allowing fresh fruit and vegetable producers to have a seat at the table when it comes to healthy food interventions.”

With this evolution into the medically tailored grocery space, Project Food Box’s team of registered dietitians works with eligible members to develop boxes of fresh produce intended to combat chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, cancer, autoimmune disorders, and more. Each box contains 12 to 15 high-quality items from recognizable brands, along with a card suggesting various recipes and usage options.

SunTerra Produce and Project Food Box source, package, and distribute boxes of fresh produce directly from farmers to communities in need with the help of food banks, faith-based organizations, and health networks

By prioritizing quality and freshness, the boxes not only provide nutritional benefits but expose consumers to more fruits and vegetables, creating long-term produce shoppers.

“It really is like an entirely new supply chain we're creating, with a direct-to-consumer approach regardless of location and affordability,” Steve says before diving into the benefits for the supply-side. “We're creating additional revenue streams for growers by addressing that portion of the crop that might not even get harvested in the first place and creating a valuable product that they can receive revenue from.”

As Steve notes, the organization is excited to partner with numerous different, grower-packer-shippers and distributors who want to get their products involved in the program.

Each box from the Project Food Box program contains 12 to 15 high-quality items from recognizable brands, along with a card suggesting various recipes and usage options

“That’s really the opportunity for the industry,” adds Peter. “We're adapting by putting our healthcare hat on and exploring how the healthcare community is helping people understand the importance of healthy eating and enjoying farm-fresh produce as opposed to more highly processed items. It's critical that we seize that momentum and highlight the healthy attributes of our products and the sophistication of a supply chain that allows us to get food out to people very quickly.”

ANUK will continue to explore this movement and its impacts, so keep an eye out for the next update.

After a 22-year tenure, this distinguished Chief prepares for retirement…
And Now U Know - Fresh Produce Industry News

morning EDITION — 7/11/2024

Duda Farm Fresh Foods

Duda Farm Fresh Foods Rich Uchida shares how the grower’s organic offerings solidify its standing as a one-stop celery provider… by Peggy Packer View

Duda Farm Fresh Foods

Duda Farm Fresh Foods Rich Uchida shares how the grower’s organic offerings solidify its standing as a one-stop celery provider… by Peggy Packer View

The Gold Standard of Ambrosia Apples
The Gold Standard of Ambrosia Apples

SunTerra Produce Find out how Project Food Box is creating advantages for both producers and consumers… by Peggy Packer View

The Gold Standard of Ambrosia Apples

Canadian Produce Marketing Association Marked by a dedication to support the fresh produce industry, this Canadian politician receives a prestigious award... by Melissa De Leon Chavez View

Seasonal Sweets, get 'em before they're gone

Organic Peaches, Plums, and Nectarines  OPS Booth #403
Organic Peaches, Plums, and Nectarines  OPS Booth #403

AgroFresh The innovator partners with this supply-side operation to improve the color and texture of its pome fruit... by Anne Allen View

Organic Peaches, Plums, and Nectarines  OPS Booth #403

The Raley's Companies After a 22-year tenure, this distinguished Chief prepares for retirement… by Chandler James View

Bee Sweet - Make Summer As Sweet As Can "Bee"

Bobalu Berries - This is our village

Top of quote bubble Get social with Ocean Mist® Farms | July 11, 2024 5:00 AM Bottom of quote bubble

Misionero - Visit us at organic produce summit booth number 616

Top of quote bubble Get social with SugarBee® Apple | July 11, 2024 5:00 AM Bottom of quote bubble

Shining in all seasons & regions  Visit us at IFPA Booth #1102

Joe's Produce

Business Development Manager

QIMA WQS is seeking a Business Development Manager for a remote role based in Texas.

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Confidential - Salinas, CA

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Working for our leading produce company, you will feel a part of a group committed to fostering a positive, collaborative work culture that believes in investing in its people.

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Sunrise Produce

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Sunrise Produce is looking to hire an Account Manager in Orange County or Greater Los Angeles. Must reside in Territory.

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Hampton Roads Produce Distributors

Warehouse Operations Manager

Hampton Roads Produce Distributors is looking to hire a Warehouse Operations Manager in Birmingham, Alabama.

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Sales Manager

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Freska - Year-Round Mangos & Avocados

2024 Today Era - The Only New York Distributor with a Family Farm  Learn More

Unlock the taste of summer with grilled mushrooms


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Wed. July 10th, 2024 - by Anne Allen

PHILADELPHIA, PA - After 20 years of partnership with AgroFresh Solutions, Fruitways is adding the company’s Harvista™ 1.3 SC as a near-harvest product to operations. With this tool in hand, Fruitways has another valuable asset to manage produce quality before and during harvest.

Peter Wood, Country Manager South Africa, AgroFresh

“It fills us with a sense of pride and satisfaction knowing that Fruitways and the pome industry is benefiting from the research and investments AgroFresh has made, and is still making, in the sphere of quality management,” said Peter Wood, Country Manager South Africa, AgroFresh. “Collaborations like the one with Fruitways are the cornerstone of the success AgroFresh has had over decades in the industry. We answer real quality and freshness challenges our customers face throughout the fresh produce supply chain.”

Since it began its partnership with AgroFresh, Fruitways integrated the SmartFresh™ Quality System into its operations.

According to a press release, AgroFresh commercialized the SmartFresh™ Quality System products based on 1-MCP, beginning in 2003 with application for apples. In the last 20 years, it has been expanded for use in multiple crops and new applications in field, storage, and transit.

Jaco Moelich, General Manager—Technical Services, Fruitways

“AgroFresh is an important supplier partner for us,” added Jaco Moelich, Fruitways General Manager—Technical Services. “Both Harvista and SmartFresh give us valuable tools to determine the timeframe that we want to harvest and when we want to pack the fruit for our clients. SmartFresh has really transformed the way we think about our post-harvest process and how we make decisions on storage and marketing of our fruit.”

For more information on this partnership, click here.

Keep reading ANUK for the latest in fresh produce collaborations.

Wed. July 10th, 2024 - by Anne Allen

OXNARD, CA - Hass avocados are having a big moment! With the consumer demand for organic avocados continuing to steadily rise, Mission Produce is sharing insights on this thriving category and how it’s performing.

Megan Berenbach, Director of Sales, Mission Produce

“Rising demand for organic produce continues to elevate the importance of a strong organic category for retailers across the nation,” said Megan Berenbach, Director of Sales. “As the volume growth of organic produce continues to outpace that of conventional, Mission Produce remains the go-to source for fresh, organically grown avocados. With a reliable year-round supply and nationwide distribution, we’re supporting our retail partners in developing their organic categories to meet demand and capitalize on profitable programming opportunities. I’m looking forward to sharing our latest insights at OPS so our partners can discover the Mission Advantage toward a more profitable organic category for avocados and mangos.”

Mission continues to invest resources into its organic programs and pursue innovative ways to develop the category as the demand for organic avocados grows. Compared to 2023, organic avocado sales increased by 19 percent, a release stated. This volume of sales outperformed a 7 percent rise in organic produce overall.

With a reliable year-round supply and nationwide distribution, Mission Produce supports its retail partners in developing their organic categories to meet demand and capitalize on profitable programming opportunities

“Organic shoppers are extremely valuable to retail performance—organic shoppers spend 89 percent more on organic avocados than the traditional shopper spends on conventional avocados,” added Berenbach. “Catering to the organic shopper requires strategic merchandising, and with Mission Produce’s marketplace intelligence and expert category management, we’re confident our partnership can support strong category performance.”

Mission’s organic avocados include bulk avocados, packaged World’s Finest Organic avocados, and Mission Minis organic avocados. Currently, Mission’s organic avocado supply is coming from Mexico, Peru, and California.

The company continues growing organic mangos as well, with supply coming from Mexico.

Mission Produce will be showcasing its complete organic product line at OPS. Check it out at booth #321!

Wed. July 10th, 2024 - by Chandler James

WEST SACRAMENTO, CA - One central industry leader is putting the cap on a tenured retail career as The Raley’s Companies announces the retirement of its Chief Human Resource Officer, Laura Croff.

Laura Croff, Chief Human Resource Officer, Raley's
Laura Croff, Chief Human Resource Officer, The Raley's Companies

“It has been an honor and privilege to serve The Raley’s Companies’ team members. I have seen firsthand the incredible opportunities for growth and development that The Raley’s Companies offers,” said Croff. “I want to express appreciation to the Board of Directors, CEO Keith Knopf, all of my peers and team members for their support and collaboration over the last two decades. I am grateful to all of them for having made my journey memorable and impactful.”

Croff began her career with Raley’s as a Human Resources Business Partner. She has held her current role as Chief Human Resources Officer since 2018.

As a press release explained, Croff was instrumental in Raley’s growth and expansion, including the creation of the company’s shared services model, supporting all operating divisions of The Raley’s Companies. Throughout her 22-year tenure with the retailer, Croff implemented several key initiatives aimed at promoting the well-being of team members, including the creation of comprehensive training and leadership/development programs and the expansion of health and wellness benefits.

The Raley’s Companies recently announced the retirement of its Chief Human Resource Officer, Laura Croff

She officially stepped down from her role as CHRO on June 29, 2024.

Keith Knopf, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Raley’s Companies
Keith Knopf, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Raley’s Companies

“The Board and I are deeply appreciative to Laura for the positive and enduring impact she has had on us, the team, and our company,” said Keith Knopf, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Raley’s Companies. “We are excited for Laura to commence this next chapter in her life and wish her all the happiness in retirement.”

The Raley’s Companies plans to announce additional leadership changes soon, so be on the lookout for ANUK’s next update.

Cheers to Laura Croff on her successful career and recent retirement!

Wed. July 10th, 2024 - by Peggy Packer

OVIEDO, FL - Updates are coming in from the show floor! As industry members from across the country gather for the 2024 Organic Produce Summit (OPS), we are exploring some of the high-quality organic products taking the spotlight. Among them is Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ well-known Dandy brand. Rich Uchida, Western Sales Manager, divulged some of the details.

Rich Uchida, Western Sales Manager, Duda Farm Fresh Foods

“This particular show allows us to showcase our organic product offerings, which is great for building new relationships with retailers, while also being able to explore what everyone else is doing in the organic space,” shared Rich. “As the largest grower of celery, it is important for us to be a one-stop supplier for our customers who are looking for an organic offering and grow and support the organic movement.”

Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ showcase includes organic celery and celery hearts along with the rest of the supplier’s Dandy Organic line.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ well-known Dandy brand is taking to the show floor at the 2024 Organic Produce Summit

“We are known for our conventional, fresh-cut products, so being able to get in front of organic produce contacts at the show is a great way to share more information about our Dandy Organic line,” Rich adds.

Rich also went on to share an exclusive look at the current celery market.

Duda Farm Fresh Foods’ showcase includes organic celery and celery hearts along with the rest of the supplier’s Dandy Organic line

“Celery supplies from Salinas and Santa Maria, California, remain plentiful, with overall quality remaining strong. Movement has remained good at lower levels,” he added. “While the movement has been steady, the onset of the celery season in Michigan and Canada has reduced the pace from the West and introduced more competitive pricing into the market.”

There’s more to discover at booth #901 during the show, so don’t miss out!